Fraud Blocker The Buzz - Clean & Dry Rotherham The Buzz - Clean & Dry Rotherham

Updated 23rd July 2021 by Allan Simmons.

How we all remain safe and have peace of mind after "Freedom day"...

We understand some people may still be skeptical of inviting trades into their homes.  The Government guidance since the 19th of July means legally neither you as the client, or we as the tradesmen, are required to wear a face-covering or observe social distancing.  We want to assure you that we take the safety of both yourself and our whole team seriously.  We were already trained and certified in infection control cleaning before the Coronavirus pandemic struck.  We do that type of work for schools and doctors surgeries when there are Norovirus outbreaks, but in March 2020 our whole team undertook update training to ensure we were up to date with the very latest Public Health England and NHS protocols regarding Coronavirus and Covid-19.  Whilst there is no legal obligation for wearing of face-coverings we accept some people would still prefer that we wear a face-covering whilst in their home.  We're happy to do that, and all our team are happy to wear a face-covering if you ask them to.  Some of our team are wearing a face-covering by choice anyway, and they will only remove that if you say you are comfortable with them doing so.  Please do not feel embarrassed to ask any of the team to wear a face-covering whilst in your home, and all we ask is that we all observe some simple rules as follows:

Here's how we can work safely in your home, and the precautions we're still taking for everyone's peace of mind:-

  • We cannot work in your home if you are self-isolating with suspected CoVid-19 symptoms, or have had CoViD-19 within the last 21 days.  If you have had CoViD-19, more than 21 days ago, we can still work for you but you MUST tell us before we visit and we will advise if there are any extra precautions we need to take.
  • If you are one of the few people still 'Shielding' on the advice of your Doctor we are not able to provide an "in-home service" but we are able to offer you our collection and delivery rug cleaning service.
  • Any equipment we bring into your home has been thoroughly disinfected with virucide treatment between EVERY job.
  • All the team are infection control trained for your peace of mind.
  • We will have a fixed appointment time, or appointment window, and will phone if we will be any earlier to ensure it is convenient for us to come early.
  • Some of our team have chosen to continue wearing a face-covering on arrival at your property.  Those who are not wearing a face-covering on arrival are happy to wear one if you ask them to if that gives you extra peace of mind.
  • Whilst we are cleaning we may ask you to stay in another part of the house until we are finished, as wearing a face-covering whilst cleaning is incredibly uncomfortable and we may remove it during cleaning.  We will of course still ask you to inspect the finished result, and if you requested we wear a face-covering we will obviously do so, no problem.
  • All soft furnishings we're cleaning will still be treated with a virucide disinfectant FREE of charge.  We use a product that has achieved the European test standard April 2020 EN14476:2013 + A2:2019 Annex A* killing up to 99.9999% of microbes and coronaviruses, including the SARS-CoV-2 which causes CoVid-19.
  • Any touch points we use we will disinfect with the same virucide.  So door handles, doors and doorframes, and any furniture we move and replace, and free of charge.
  • Many clients make us tea/coffee and offer drinks and sometimes biscuits etc.  We have left it down to the individual team member to decide if they would like to accept those, so please do not be offended if they have chosen to refuse a cuppa, we want everyone to feel safe.
  • We also offer a Peace of Mind package if you're moving into a new property.  You can find out more here.

The whole team hopes this reassures you that we're taking all the precautions necessary and working responsibly to protect everyone.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call me direct on 01709 257275 and I'll be happy to help.


Allan Simmons Jnr.

See our range of services here

Updated October 27th:

How we all remain safe during Tier 1, 2 & 3 restrictions...

We understand you may be sceptical of inviting trades into your home at this time.  We want to assure you that we take the safety of our both yourself and our whole team seriously.  Although we were already trained and certified in infection control cleaning, which is usually done for schools and doctors surgeries when there are Norovirus outbreaks, in March 2020 the whole team undertook update training to ensure we were up to date with the latest Public Health England and NHS protocols.  Under these restrictions, the Government have made it clear that trades can continue to work in people’s homes but must follow certain guidelines.

Here's the procedures we've put in place following those guidelines:-

  • We cannot work in your home if you are self-isolating with suspected CoVid-19 symptoms, or have had CoViD-19 within the last 21 days.  If you have had CoViD-19, more than 21 days ago, we can still work for you but you MUST tell us before we visit and we will advise if there are any extra precautions we need to take.
  • If you are 'Shielding' on the advice of your Doctor we are not able to provide an "in-home service" but we are able to offer you our collection and delivery rug cleaning service.
  • Any equipment we bring into your home has been thoroughly disinfected with virucide treatment between EVERY job.
  • All the team are infection control trained and will wear appropriate PPE where needed.  This is not a scary "spaceman" suit and full respirator, they are not required under the Public Health England and NHS guideline, but we will be wearing a facemask when we arrive.
  • We will have a fixed appointment time or appointment window and will phone if we will be any earlier to ensure it is convenient for us to come early.  This is so you can be sure we can social distance at 2m and it's still convenient.
  • We will social distance at 2m, we will knock on your door and step back. Please then show us the areas to be cleaned whilst maintaining a safe 2m distance.  We ask that you also wear a face-covering whilst you are interacting with us and maintain the 2m social distance.  Whilst we are cleaning we may ask you to stay in another part of the house until we are finished, as wearing a face-covering whilst cleaning is incredibly uncomfortable and we may remove it during cleaning.  We will of course still ask you to inspect the finished result, whilst we maintain the 2m social distancing and all wearing a face covering.
  • All soft furnishings we're cleaning will be treated, both pre and post clean, with a virucide disinfectant FREE of charge.  We use a product which has achieved the European test standard April 2020 EN14476:2013 + A2:2019 Annex A* killing up to 99.9999% of microbes and coronaviruses, including the SARS-CoV-2 which causes CoVid-19.
  • Any touch points we use we will disinfect with the same virucide.  So door handles, doors and doorframes and any furniture we move and replace, and free of charge.
  • Please do not be offended if we refuse your tea and biscuits.  We'd usually welcome them and a five-minute break and chat but don't worry, we'll make up for it next time we visit.
  • We also offer a Peace of Mind package if you're moving into a new property.  You can find out more here.

The whole team hope this reassures you that we're taking all the precautions necessary and working responsibly to protect everyone.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call me direct on 01709 257275 and I'll be happy to help.


Allan Simmons Jnr.

See our range of services here

Image of rug cleaner dust removing machine

The above picture shows the grit and dust we removed from the rug that you can see in the picture, that's before we even started cleaning.

Rug Cleaning & Disinfecting Service in Rotherham

Updated 10th March 2021 by Allan Simmons

The Government guidance since the 5th November has been that trades can continue to work in houses IF face-coverings are worn by both parties and social distancing can be observed.  We want to assure you that we take the safety of both yourself and our whole team seriously.  During the full lockdown, people were doing general cleaning and moving their rugs and they hadn't realised how bad the rug was smelling, or how grubby and dusty they really were.  At that time we could still collect rugs if we did not need to enter your house.  Under the latest lockdown that started in January, we can obviously still clean your rugs in a contact-free way, but now we can also come inside to roll them up if required, BUT, both you and our technicians must wear a face-covering and observe social distancing.  You can still get your treasured rugs pampered in our rug facility to give you a clean and fresh-smelling home.

I also want you to know that to ensure our facility is COVID-19 Secure we have shuffled the workshop around so that we can still effectively clean your rugs AND social distance as a team, so everyone here is safe.

We've had great feedback from those existing clients who had called to check we could still work, so I thought I'd offer the same special offer to everyone who wants a rug cleaning,  and that's to include a free virucide treatment as part of the process.

How does it work?

If you've had a rug cleaned before we will have the details on file and can quote a price, apply the offer, and arrange collection if you want to go ahead.

If you've never had us clean your rugs please call and we'll ask you to describe it. We'll ask a few simple questions, which may be answered if you look at the label on the back of the rug:

  1. What size is it? we can work with metric or 'old money' imperial, don't worry.
  2. Is it wool or synthetic, eg polypropylene?  It's often described on the label.  Again don't worry if you're not sure, we can confirm on collection.
  3. Are there any fringes/tassels on the shorter ends, or all the way around if it's circular?
  4. Where did you buy it, this often gives us an idea of the style of the rug.

You can of course always take a picture of the rug, front and back, including the label, and email them in reply to this email, and include the size.

We give you a quote and you decide if you want to go ahead or get us to pop in to take a look and confirm.  There's no pressure and you can call us back if needed, we don't expect an instant answer to go ahead, either on the phone or if we visit.

If you want to go ahead we agree a collection day and approximate time slot.

When we arrive we will knock on the door and step back to allow you to open the door and observe social distancing. We will be wearing a face-covering and we require you to also wear a face-covering under the Government guidelines. We will have already sanitised our hands with an approved virucide before we knock on your door or enter your home.

We'll come in just far enough to either quote for the rug or to pick it up and take it to our van.  We ask that we remain socially distanced while we do this. Then we'll use our bacterial & virucide spray and paper towels to "touchpoint clean" any areas we may have touched, such as the door, door frame, and door handle, just for your extra peace of mind.

We'll pamper your rug in our workshop through the full process:

  • Use our specialist rug beater and vacuum to remove the grit and heavy soil.  This cannot be done in your home.
  • Prespray with virucide disinfectant.
  • Pre-treat spots and stains where required.
  • Pre-treat fringes where required.
  • Soak in our wash-tub with the correct cleaning agent, this loosens the embedded soiling from the pile.
  • Thoroughly deep wet clean with gentle agitation from four separate brushes.
  • Additional rinse and squeegee to ensure no residues are left behind.
  • Spin dry in our speed and timer-controlled Centrifuge, this removes 93-95% of any remaining water in the rug.
  • Hang to dry, or block out if required, in our temperature and humidity-controlled drying room.
  • Brush the pile so it 'sets' correctly as it dries.
  • Treat any fringes to prevent cellulose browning as they dry.
  • Inspection part one, treating any remaining stains as appropriate.
  • Apply virucide spray and brush in, which has some residual efficacy but is perfectly safe for you and your family.
  • Once dry, typically overnight, we inspect the rug again and reclean if required.
  • Prepare the rug for return on our finishing table, this thoroughly vacuums the rug to remove any remaining loose particles and lifts the pile.
  • Pack the rug in a tough polythene tube with breather pinholes to protect your rug during storage and transport back to you.
  • Call you to confirm a day to return it.  If we don't get you we'll leave a voicemail, drop you a text message, or perhaps email.
  • Knock on your door and return to the van to pick up your rug.
  • If you've opened the door and stepped back we'll pop the rug into your hallway, or your porch or garage if you prefer.  We can also now place it in the room you require, and unpack it if needed.
  • 'Touchpoint clean' as we did when we collected.
  • Ask you to pay using a credit or debit card using our machine which we will disinfect in front of you.

Everyone wins, we stay busy and protect our jobs and business as lockdown is released, and you can get cleaner, brighter and fresh smelling rugs that have been cleaned and disinfected with a Log kill 6 virucide treatment, that's medical grade 99.9999% disinfection, the best you can get.

The special offer is FREE virucide treatment, and FREE collection and delivery within the Rotherham area (normally £5 each way).

We'd love to hear from you, so please take a look at your rug and see if it would benefit from some TLC in our rug pampering workshop. Feel free to call us on 01302 230685 at any time, as calls are diverted to my home in the evening.


Allan Simmons Jnr, Owner

Visit Our Rug Cleaning Page Here.

Stains are every householder’s worst nightmare. Wine, coffee, chocolate and ice cream can all cause unsightly marks around your home. But rather than giving up your favourite guilty pleasures, we’re here to tell you how to fix it.

If you’ve spilt it, we can help you clean it up. With our stain removal guide, you’ll always be prepared to tackle even the toughest of stains.

What you’ll need

The first step is building a stain-busting kit. Here are a few essentials you’ll need…

  • Absorbent cloth or towel – Preferably white and you’ll probably need a few!
  • Surgical spirit (or dry cleaning solution) – You’ll find this at your local chemists
  • Ammonia – Household ammonia can be found at most supermarkets
  • Detergent – Simply use your favourite washing detergent
  • White vinegar – Great to add to solutions for drawing out stubborn stains
  • Hydrogen peroxide – A similar effect to bleach, without the destructive nature

Now you’ve assembled your kit, it’s time to get started. Remember, you’ll also benefit from a few empty spray bottles, to fill with your pre-made solutions.

How it works

Depending on the type of stain that needs tackling, you’ll need to approach the situation differently.


For spilled liquids, such as wine, coffee, tea or juice, you should start by blotting away as much excess as possible. You can use your absorbent cloth or kitchen paper to soak up the spillage. Then, working from the outside in, using a mixture of white vinegar, detergent and warm water, gently blot the stain, adding more solution as necessary.


As delicious as chocolate and ice cream can be, it is a nightmare for your carpets. When faced with a food stain, you need to scrape up any excess with a blunt knife. Then, using detergent mixed with warm water, work from the outside in, blotting the stain dry. Follow up with an ammonia solution (one teaspoon of ammonia & one cup of warm water) and blot the area dry.

Household materials

Your home is full of items that can be a nightmare for your carpets. The likes of ink and paint can cause unsightly stains around your home. Tackling these stains is easy, if you act fast.

Blotting away excess product is the first step, making sure to not spread the stain. Then, sponge on a detergent solution, softening the dried stains and making it easier to scrape away with a blunt knife.

Need any help?

If you’ve tried everything from our stain removal guide, and they’re still not budging, we can help. Clean & Dry’s professional carpet cleaning service in Rotherham will leave your carpets looking as good as new.

Whether its spilt wine or paint splatters from your latest redecoration, your home will look cleaner, brighter and healthier with our bespoke cleaning service.

We don't just clean soft furnishings, we also clean Karndean and other hard floors too.

If you have Karndean flooring that's lost its shine we can deep clean and seal it to restore its original appeal. Below is a recent floor we restored.

Call us now for a free no obligation quote and test clean to show you what can be done 01709 257 275...

Remedies for pets over Christmas

Make the Holidays fun for your pets too...

Increased visitors, unexpected guests and a change to the normal routine over the hectic holiday season can change a pet’s normal routine and increase their stress level. For a pet that's used to following a regular routine, the holidays can become a very stressful time.
Unfortunately for homeowners, one of the first symptoms of a “stressed-out” pet is often unexpected and an accident indoors. With the potential for the 'expected' spills and stains that come with holiday entertaining, the last thing pet owners want or need is a pet stain to clean up and the potential lingering odour that comes with it.
Here's what we recommend for pet lovers to ensure a joyful and accident-free holiday season with their furry companions:

  • Create a safe space for pets away from the crowd that includes toys, their bed and other familiar items like food and a water bowl to help decrease anxiety.
  • Stick to a familiar schedule as much as possible and limit the amount of changes pets are exposed to by taking walks and feeding them at the regular times.
  • Pet-proof the home by keeping holiday decorations, electrical cords, food, alcoholic beverages, and holiday plants out of reach to avoid stressful trips to the vet.

When accidents do occur, it is vital to act quickly to remove the stains.

Here are some remedies for removing pet urine and odour to preserve both carpets and a home health.
Our 'Pongo' Pet Odour Remover. For improved results over home remedies, try our 'Pongo' product which eliminates fresh pet urine odours and stains at the source.
Professional cleaning. For older or severe pet urine issues, you can contact us to come into your home and provide their revolutionary Pongo deodorising service to eliminate pet urine odours right at the source.

If you need any help or advice just call us...

Call Now and Take Advantage of

our Ever Popular

3 for 2 Offer

on our Clean & Protect Service...

Let us take care of all your soft furnishing cleaning needs before the Spring Cleaning mad rush and you can take advantage of our 3 for 2 offer on our most popular Clean & Protect service.  Just mention "Web Offer" when you call to book.

Have any combination of Carpets, Rugs and/or Upholstery Cleaned & Protected and every third item will be

Cleaned & Protected FREE of charge.

Cutting the price but not the standard!

We may be cutting the price but you have my absolute assurance that we will not be cutting back on our high standards.  ALL our work is fully guaranteed, if you’re not completely satisfied we will put it right or refund your money, NO QUIBBLE!

See Reviews from our Clients...

Where clients have given us permission to display the reviews they leave for us we show them on our website.

The (not so) small print!  All we ask is that we clean the free item(s) at the same time as we clean the other items, the work is done during the daytime, Monday to Saturday and our minimum charge is £100.00 The free item is the smallest or lowest priced items.  Hall, Stairs & landing count as one item.
This offer is available to our residential clients only and obviously no other discounts apply.

This offer is only available for on work booked before 31st May 2016.
So beat the Spring Cleaning rush and don't miss out!  Call us NOW!


Meet our team of Senior Technicians and DFPWATF’s (Dead Friendly People Who Answer The Phone).

When you choose who you want to carry out work in your home or workplace you will definitely want to know a little bit more about their people before you make your choice – and it’s always nice to put a face to a name so you know who will arrive at your door.

You can be reassured that ALL the team have had in-depth CRB/DBS checks completed and all have clean records.  We've been approved to work in HM Prisons, Secure Hospital Units, Banks and several other secure organisations. For your own peace of mind please check any cleaner you contact can make the same assurance.

So here we are, the team at Rotherham Clean & Dry...


Image of Allan Simmons Owner & Carpet Cleaner Rotherham Clean & Dry.

Allan Simmons Jnr.

When Allan Jnr left college in 1988 he joined his father in his part-time carpet cleaning business as a shareholding partner.  Allan Jnr. ran the business full time until Allan Sr became full time too in 1989.  Having done 'every job' in the business Allan Jnr looked after all the commercial contract clients and the domestic customer service areas of that business.  Allan Jnr. left that business in March 2016 to start his own business doing specialist stone floor cleaning and restoration, Clean & Dry was formed.  When Allan Jnr's father decided to retire in April 2018 Allan took on the technicians his father had employed to work with him on stone floor restoration.  After some persuasion from them, Allan added carpet cleaning to his service offering at Clean & Dry too.  As the technicians were already fully trained and ready to go they said it would be mad not to.  Allan Jnr will be the one that chases you up if we've not had your questionnaire back, just to make sure everything was okay. He's a strong black coffee drinker. He's also been a keen magician since he was young and performs as a close-up magician in his spare time.  He loves his motorbike and a Sunday ride out.


Mary Simmons
Full details coming soon.


Kevin Waters

Kevin is one of our Senior Technicians and has worked with Allan since the early 90's, I know, he doesn't look old enough does he?  He does most of our domestic quotations so is probably the first person you will meet.  He has a wealth of knowledge and experience so just ask him anything you like.  If he doesn't know you can bet he knows 'a man who does'.  In his spare time he enjoys his motorbike and gardening.  Kevin prefers coffee, white no sugar and chocolate biscuits.


Wayne Quiddington

Another Senior Technician who has worked with Allan for what feels like forever.  Although trained in all areas to the highest levels we look to Wayne as our leather specialist.  The most frequent comment we receive on questionnaires about Wayne is "he never stopped!", that's until the job is done then he prefers Coffee, white no sugar and biscuits to recharge.  In his spare time he's into his football and is an active youth team coach, plays pool and is somewhat of an artist on the quiet (but the other guy's didn't know that until now)


Pete Dorans

A Senior Technician with a wealth of knowledge and experience.  The most frequent comment we receive about Pete is "very conscientious".  While he's great at cleaning carpets and upholstery he dislikes repairing equipment, so 'pulls in a favour' with John if his kit breaks.  Pete has many clients who insist Pete does their cleaning, and some will even wait until he's back from holiday for their cleaning appointment.  Pete's poison is STRONG Tea, white one sugar.  Oh, he's usually the first in very early in the morning, we think it's to make sure his cuppa is made just how he likes it.


John Gillespie

Another Senior Technician who has Allan since the last century!  With probably the thickest training file record in the business, there's not much John doesn't know about carpets, upholstery and stone or hard floor cleaning.  He was also our first technician to be fully qualified in hard and stone floor cleaning and restoration.  With more and more hard floors out there and clients asking us if we cleaned them we thought it was about time we offered the service and had an in-house specialist.  He's not bad at fixing kit either, but woe betides you if you borrow his tools in the workshop and don't put them back. John is a Tea, white with 'half and half' if you have it.

BBC's Rogue Traders exposed what some carpet cleaning companies are up to...

It's a tactic known as 'Bait & Switch' and is now illegal, but there are still companies out there 'at it'.
Here's the clip from the TV programme...

You can be sure we'll not use this tactic and for your Peace of Mind we've been audited by the Which? Consumer Organisation and are one of their Which? Trusted Traders.  Which? audit our pricing practices to ensure we're not using Bait & Switch and that when we say you're getting a discount, it's a genuine discount.

Protect yourself from cowboys - always ask for a cleaners NCCA accreditation...

Established in 1968, the National Carpet Cleaners Association is the only independent UK trade body dedicated to the cleaning of carpets, hard flooring, upholstery, curtains and other soft furnishings. It's nationally recognised by the government, media and the carpet and furnishing  industry as the authoritative source of information and advice on all aspects of the industry.
The principal objective of the NCCA is the establishment and maintenance of minimum standards within the carpet and upholstery cleaning industry, with the dual aim of safeguarding the reputation of the industry and protecting its customers, whether in the domestic or commercial sphere.
Members are required to abide by the Association’s Code of Practice, which covers such specifics as fair pricing, service, complaints procedures, liability and consumer protection, and is designed to ensure customer satisfaction at all times. All members are expected to provide a fair deal for their customers, summed up by the NCCA motto "SERVICE WITH INTEGRITY"
All applicants for membership must have undertaken the NCCA or equivalent course in carpet and upholstery cleaning and reached the required standard in the written test papers which follow. This course offers a thorough grounding in all aspects of the carpet and upholstery craft, and covers theoretical and practical instruction in basic cleaning as well as spot and stain removal. Only after successful completion of this course may the applicant become a fully accredited member of the NCCA and be eligible to add the coveted logo to their company name.
It is important for the health of your family, and your furnishings, that the cleaner you use fully understands which cleaning materials are environmentally friendly, which can trigger allergies in susceptible people, such as asthmatics, and which solvents and cleaning fluids are appropriate to each of the many types of carpets and furnishing fabrics in people's homes today.
The long life of your precious carpets and curtains depends on their being cleaned by an expert. Without regular cleaning, a carpet that could remain fresh and bright for thirty years will be dull and worn after as little as ten years. Which is why investing in expert cleaning makes sound financial sense.
So always look for an NCCA accredited cleaner, and always ask to see evidence of that accreditation before allowing a cleaner to work on your carpets, hard floors or furnishings.  Here's our membership confirmation, click the logo...
National-Carpet-Cleaners-Association Rotherham Clean & Dry Member

Visit the NCCA's Website Here.